Friday, November 18, 2011

FREE Preview Plus Discount

FREE is alway good, huh? In this case Barking Rain Press is offering a four chapter free preview of my crime novel for blues fans, River Bottom Blues. Once it is available. Sign up now and they'll send out the chapter preview in PDF. Those that are enticed by the preview can order River Bottom Blues for 35% off, but have absolutely NO obligation to do so. The form over in my blog sidebar can be filled out, or visit the publisher's website here:

Also, my official press release can be found here:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yo-Yo Blues

Yeah, that's it. I'm going to subtitle my crime novel, River Bottom Blues, with Yo-Yo Blues. It just fits what's been going on with this book. I could have posted the info that I'm going to reveal here today a couple of weeks ago, but I'm getting a little gun shy touting the novel. Now, I'm tempted to say that I've just signed my third book contract within a little more than a year. Those that haven't read the blog, or could care less about my novel ideas, would think that I'm quite prolific. At some point, though, I'd have to explain that the contract is indeed for the same River Bottom Blues for which I signed two previous contracts.

In my last post on this subject, I lamented that my second publisher for the book quit publishing in October, after my first publisher folded up shop in March. Somewhere along the way, I mentioned just how enthusiastic both publishing houses were with my crime novel and its blues element and how pleased I was that they were excited about my tale. So, originally the book was set for an October 2011 release by the first press and I went about shouting out into cyberspace, handing out business cards, and telling friends and family to look for it then. Then, the publisher's partners quit partnering so well and they all parted ways. Then, my second publisher promised an April 2012 release and I blasted that news around, until their demise forced me to say: "nevermind".

Okay, to cut to the chase, River Bottom Blues has been acquired by Barking Rain Press and being run by one of the partners associated with the first publisher and who has plans to get things done right. My previous editor is also on board, so extensive edits aren't needed and it could hit the market by Christmas. They are as excited about getting my book on the market as they were the first time, so I'm looking forward to the relationship there. 'Nuff for now.